Spiritual 2-level protection against COVID-19

An old saying that we know only too well from our grandparents, parents and from advertising. In this serious health hazard from COVID-19, it once again proves to be true. This is because it has been proven that COVID-19 significantly reduces the lung volume even after recovery, and that the recovery time with all the associated risks also increases. This is particularly risky for people with chronic illnesses. So everything has to be done to strengthen the immune system, to feel and stay healthy.
As most doctors in pneumology and intensive care confirm, this virus uses living cells as "host cells". As soon as the virus nests in animal, plant or human cells, it multiplies. By feeding and multiplying on the host cell (living cell). As soon as there is no more food, the host cell dies and the virus looks for the next living host cell. Correspondingly, vital cells in the body die - which lead to symptoms such as fever and the loss of taste and smell.
This is exactly where the method developed by the AGW academy comes into play. Which is based on re-programming the subconscious to strengthen the body's defences! The immune system itself can prevent the viruses from docking on the cells. Which antibodies form the basic protection of the immune system.
So what is the desired state? Mainly, of course, stay healthy! This is achieved by increasing the body's own defences so that they can produce enough antibodies, which continuously block the corresponding receptors that the viruses use. This prevents, slows down or stops the virus from multiplying.
The AGW has developed the corona protective shield for all spiritual people, which has two levels of effectiveness:
1. The activation and strengthening of the body's defenses
2. Blocking the receptors so that the COVID-19 virus cannot dock
This 2-level protection on a spiritual level is one of the best basic safeguards to prevent infection in advance. Special for People which work with a high costumer contact like: Vendors, Frequent travelers by Airplane, Bus or Train and people which work in the area of Health. Their protection is essential and indispensable!
Of course, you should continue to be aware of and follow government instructions. AGW services do not replace medical treatments. Our services are aimed at people who are aware of the spiritual influence.
Protect yourself and your family from possible contagion and consequential damage. If you are interested in protection, please write to us at: info@agw-akademie.com to make an arrangement for the immediate reprogramming of your subconscious through remote healing.
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